Google Developer Student Club - Project Siew Dai


Diabetes Singapore (DS) is a non-profit organisation focused on raising awareness and providing education, counselling and support to people with diabetes, their families and the community in order to empower them to lead a healthy and productive life. Today, DS runs two clinics and two mobile bus clinics that serve to provide care and education dedicated to Diabetes in Singapore.

Problem Statement

DS currently lacks a database and a corresponding database management system. This makes it difficult for DS to harness and analyse the data collected from DS volunteers, members and event participants to improve event management and stakeholder engagement.

Additionally, the workflow of DS’ existing mobile bus clinic requires staff to engage in a significant amount of manual tasks. This lowers the organisation’s productivity, incurs costs, and reduces their overall efficiency.

Our Solution

In collaboration with Diabetes Singapore, DSC @ NUS Computing has developed Siew-Dai, a bespoke in-house Data and Workflow Management System that improves Diabetes Singapore’s operational efficiency.

The system has a user-friendly interface and various functions, including one that supports Diabetes Singapore with the management, scheduling and deployment of their mobile screening services to partner clinics across Singapore. This function enables the Diabetes Singapore team to automate the complex and manual process of managing mobile bus deployments via a few simple clicks. It also consolidates the organisation’s multiple existing tech solutions in one platform, reducing the administrative workload for their staff.

With upcoming stakeholder management capabilities to be incorporated into the system, Siew-Dai will also provide Diabetes Singapore with the capabilities to track, manage and visualise large amounts of volunteer, beneficiary and donor information, thus enabling the organisation to adopt a more tailored approach when it comes to stakeholder engagement.

Product Demonstration

Project link: