“Top 8 Teams” Award Winner, Hack&Roll 2021


Hack&Roll is Singapore’s largest student-run hackathon, with 473 participants in Hack&Roll 2021. We often come across instances where we have to arrange, with friends, a timing to meetup, be it for a group project or a leisure activity. It is often troublesome to come into an agreement of a common free time slot. Therefore, it is convenient to have Meetups, a planner modification for NUSMods, a student-run open source project allowing students to plan timetables and modules.


Meetups is a new tab in NUSMods that features an edit mode, which allows for the editing of your own free time slots, easy importing from your NUSmods timetable, as well as resetting to clear all unavailable slots. Meetups also supports importing of multiple timetable schedules from friends, comparison of schedules within a single timetable, and a toggle View button, to allow for the viewing of common free time slots among all imported friends.

For our efforts, we were awarded the top prize of “Top 8”, where the best 8 teams were selected by a panel of judges in no particular order and presented the award.

Project link: https://devpost.com/software/meetups-h90giq