Developed a mobile application, ReCloset, using Flutter and Firebase for users to sustainably give away and trade pre-loved clothing. Implemented a trading system and live chat feature to facilitate secure and efficient item exchanges, enhancing user engagement.
Collaborated in a team of 4 and created a Telegram bot, “Ninja Scheduler” in 36 hours, enabling customers to upgrade delivery tiers and reschedule deliveries to reduce failed deliveries when customer not available, with payments made via Stripe (utlising Telegram Payments API)
Led a team of 4 in Singapore's largest student-run hackathon, with 532 participants and created a quick and easy rating system on on NUSMods, a student-run open source project, to encourage students to provide feedback on modules, aiding future students’ module planning efforts by being able to better grasp of the weekly workload, content difficulty and the best lecturers.
Presented in NUS School of Computing’s largest event fair held every semester to showcase selected student’s projects. Designed and developed a new flexible module system on Source Academy, an open-source online environment to learn programming, utilised by 700+ NUS freshman yearly.
Collaborated in a team of 4 in Singapore's largest student-run hackathon, with 473 participants and created a quick and easy rating system on on NUSMods, a student-run open source project, to allow students to save time and easily compare timetables to find common available slots to meet up.